Today was cold but as it isn't suppose to get above freezing this week, I decide to just bundle up and go out. Also having woken up before the crack of dawn, I had time to figure out my day. Unfortunately, the roads were still very icy and if it was only 5-10 feet to get out of the parking lot sure no problem I'll at least try, so I walked out to the main road and it had a nice packed layer of snow (also known as sheet of ice). My truck doesn't get to go play today. So an indoor day. Not quite, as we kind of needed to at least make it to the store, my sister and I got into her car (all wheel drive) and went. I felt it slipping along the road and am glad I didn't try with my little truck. The cars external thermostat claimed it was a nice balmy 17 degrees Fahrenheit outside and this was the early afternoon so really not going to get much higher.
Me, I'm going a little stir crazy as I had big outside adventure plans that got canceled, so this evening I went for a little walk. I bundled up in multiple layers of pants, extra layers of hat, nice long many wrapped scarf, snow boots and made my way down the road to the lake I heard tell about. I learned the delicate balance of keeping nose warm and not fogging up glasses (no you don't get both.)
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Look a path and sign, don't know what the sign says but I think there is a lake back there. |
Look there is a lake, I think the surface is frozen, and I'm losing sunlight quickly, wind is getting stronger, and temperature is dropping, appreciate pretty winter and get back to the warmth of my sisters place. |
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Appreciate the pretty art that mother nature gives us |
Again more pretty, The Art of Winter. |
Anyway as stated COLD, so trudged back up the hill, wanted to have snow shoes, because there can be a lot of uneven ground hiding under 8 inches of snow. Successfully made it back to the house without falling, or getting too cold. The kitty had not moved since I left and I leave you with this fun picture taken as I trudged back to my sisters place.
On the right, you can see my truck and the lovely not icy parking lot, and my sister's place in that row. On the left the very icy main road that I would have to take to get out, and behind me (where clearly you can not see it) is more of that road and looks even more icy. Maybe I can try again tomorrow. |
I also worked on my quilt today. I have been doing the embrodery step, I already did all the piecing, so of my 12 blocks all of which have some embrodery I now have 5 blocks completed, and number 6 is well on it's way, and will easily be done today. I'm hoping to also get number 7 done today.
OMG SNOW! Snow is awesome!
hand warmers! foot warmers! Sports Authority! DO EET--That is was saved me when I was standing in -20F snow in Montreal for an hour! (That and Lizza's amazing Alaska Hiking coat)
Love You!
Feet not cold, hands only cold when I needed to use them to push buttons on camera. Face was cold (scarf over nose = foggy glasses and no can see, scarf not over nose = cold nose)
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