Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I quit my job today (WARNING: rant)

I work in academia, which is a very hard job.  Today I quit.  Now in academia this means that I informed my department head that I will not be returning next semester.  Since he is never available, this means via email.  His response "Thanks for the short notice," and then continued from there.  Next semester doesn't start until the end of January, three months from now.  In what world is this short notice? Only in academia.  On the other side of the coin my hire dates have been a week before the semester starts to my most recent the day after the semester had started, even when continuing from one semester to the next I usually have not even received my contract for the semester until after I started teaching it, I only know I'm teaching because my name appears on the schedule.  I am adjunct faculty, I know it sucks to have to find more of us willing to work for a fraction of what the full timers get and without benefits but lucky for you it doesn't take a committee to hire one of us.

It's not that I'm giving up on students, I'm giving up on the people pretending to be students.  When my students overall average homework grade is failing and homework is graded on completion and did you turn it in on time, I can not be surprised that they fail the tests.  On a 10 point quiz where I told the students to check their answers with their neighbors before turning in the quiz, I had a student score 5 points, I can NOT think that the problem is with my teaching. The problem is with these people pretending to be students.

And I'm done.

There I hope I got that out of my system at least for a little while.

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