Monday, October 14, 2013

Garb I have made

Groom's Brother and Groom
So one thing I think I should do is post some pictures of garb I have made.  If I plan to visit lots of places and sew for people in them, then they need an idea of what I can make and what I have made in the past.  This is somewhat hard for me as I don't actually like pictures of myself and most of the time I'm hiding behind someone or I get not great pictures because it is what other people take while I'm not paying attention.
Me and the Bride

First off and most recently I have been doing pirate garb.  My best friend was having a pirate wedding this last summer and I of course was helping out.  Here you have a picture of two of us in our pirate garb. The red coat is me, I made the coat, all the rest of the clothes and even my hat.  And for the lovely bride, I did not make it but I helped pattern and was moral support along the way (not her hat, that was an amazing find).  Also my profile picture is a much better picture of me in my pirate coat.
And then there was his coat, there were two versions to this coat to help him get a better idea of the finished project, before we cut into his fabulous fabric.  In the picture we have his brother in the first version (stripes) and him in the second version.
Fencing Doublets

I have done some fencing doublets, and helped pattern many more from period styles to more modern styles for women (those boobs just get in the way).  On the right here is a couple of boys nicely modeling their new doublets, and behind them as an added bonus is my day shade that I designed and built.  I didn't actually sew the canvas on this one, but I have done other day shades and even helped with a tent.
Early Italian Renisance

Fencing shirts, chemises, skirts, pants, sashes, hoods and t-tunics oh my.  I do not have many pictures of just those items but I have made so many and as for the underthings, most of the pictures on this page probably have underthings I made, but again very hard to find pictures of people in just their underclothes.  I have made these things in many different sizes from normal sized to large women and even the large men.  Also have experience with alterations and making clothing that is easy to alter so that if you fluctuate a lot you can easily adjust it later on.

What I like wearing is early Italian Renaissance, so also included is a pictures of me in this, with my period short sleeves.  Unfortunately I have not made a lot of sleeves for my Italian garb as in southern California it is usually too warm for them and I overheat.  Also I really do enjoy all the looks I get when someone that knows something about Italian garb (usually a friend) loudly exclaims "hey, you're naked."
Houpelande and Waffenrock
Court Houpelande
Hand made German

I also went through a cotehardie and houpelande phase, really I just wanted to make and wear a henin (a princess hat.)  I really like the looks from the non-SCAdians when I run around in a henin. I have also made waffenrocks like the pink fighter next to me, although I only assisted on this one (or was it the previous version? you know how fighters can destroy their fighter garb).  The houpelande in both pictures on the left is the same garment, but not taken anywhere near the same time.  It is one of my favorite pieces of garb for days when I feel like wearing a train and floor length sleeves and something with fur trim (good quality fake).

There is that day I went german.  After making a bunch of fighter waffenrocks
Bear sized Waffenrock
including the bear sized one shown. I made myself the matching period. The one on the left sewn entirely by hand mostly because I wanted to be able to say, yes I've done that, after that though sewing machine all the way. I also made the giant shade hat.  I am always looking for new and different ways to avoid the direct glare of our day star (the sun).  I have issues with skin allergies and sunscreen, but those are not as bad as they use to be because finding out about food allergies helps.  I just realized I have made a lot of hats, I actually like making hats, I have even crochet a few in my life.

I have also done a whole lot of viking but can not actually find any decent pictures.  Must pull out garb and do a photo shoot soon or you may just have to wait until I make garb for others.

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