Sunday, December 22, 2013

Look Dance Costumes.

This weekend, to take a break from all the packing and getting ready to go, I helped make dance costumes in stretch fabric.  Stretch fabric has its good points (so much easier to fit) and bad points (so much harder to fit).  But there are now three pretty dresses!

Green stretch velvet with glittery sequined gold sleeves. Exactly what the costume designer/director/producer/choreographer/senior project doer (the one on the right) wanted.  And they can move and dance.  And the show will be awesome, Costumes had to get done really early since I said I would help pattern (last year) and the show isn't until spring, but I get to run away soon.


Unknown said...

It won't load the picture for me:-(

Wandering Costumer said...

Picture ought to be all fixed now.